End Republicans’ discriminatory voter suppression laws

As voters head to the polls for Congressional elections this November, many will be blocked from their constitutional right to vote, due to Republican voter I.D. laws that are deliberately designed to suppress Democratic votes.

In 2013, the right-leaning Supreme Court struck down the historic Voting Rights Act, which was enacted to protect minority communities from discriminatory voting laws. Freshly unshackled, Republicans in Alabama passed a law requiring a photo I.D. to vote...while simultaneously shutting down 31 DMV offices in predominantly Black communities.

And even if your state hasn't shut down your only DMV, obtaining a photo I.D. can be difficult, requiring a birth certificate, social security card, citizenship papers, or proof of residency that many poor and elderly voters may not have access to. That's why so many red states have turned to a voter I.D. law as an easy way to suppress minority voices.

Republicans have replaced the literacy tests and poll taxes of the Jim Crow era with an updated I.D. barrier to keep their voters securely white and wealthy. But we've fought for the right to vote for all before, and now it's time to fight again.

Add your name to demand our State Legislators put an end to discriminatory laws that deny minority groups their right to vote!

Photo credit: Michael Fleshman via Flickr
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