Release BSD/OS 5.1 Source Code

Wind River (and formerly BSDi) has received quite a bit of support and business from the open source community over the years. The BSD/OS operating system in particular would never have existed if not for the work and dedication of the Computer Science Research Group at the University of California at Berkeley in producing 4.4BSD-Lite and all that led up to those final releases.

Given that BSD/OS was discontinued a decade ago in 2003, I see no reason for Wind River not to offer it's aging source code back to the community both in appreciation and for the sake of preserving a part of history as AT&T has already done with their source code to the original UNIX releases.

Calls and e-mails to Wind River have remained unfruitful over the years. I ask that all of those out there that support an open, transparent, and free internet to sign this petition in the hopes that Wind River will come to their senses and give back to the community that has given them so much.

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