Ask Whole Foods to Verify That Their Coconut Water Doesn't Support Monkey Labor!

A Daily Mail article reports that coconuts sourced from Thailand likely use monkey abuse. Today, many health conscious consumers drink coconut water to stay hydrated and take advantage of well-publicized health benefits. Unfortunately, these consumers don't know that their habit supports monkey labor. Though packaging information may offer the country of origin, it typically doesn't share how the coconuts were sourced.

Monkeys used to collect coconuts are taken from their mothers, who are typically shot. They are then sent to "schools" to learn to pick 1,000 coconuts a day. Monkeys may work from 8 AM to 5 PM, and are shackled and muzzled when not doing labor.

Conscious consumers don't want to support the abuse of these intelligent creatures. Coconut water is now found in most leading grocery stores, but Whole Foods is best known for catering to the health-conscious and ethical consumer. Please sign the petition to urge Whole Foods to investigate the sources of their coconut water and stop carrying all brands that support monkey labor!

We, the undersigned, are concernet that some of the coconut water you carry may support monkey abuse.

A Daily Mail article reports that coconuts sourced from Thailand likely use monkey abuse. Today, many health conscious consumers drink coconut water to stay hydrated and take advantage of well-publicized health benefits. Unfortunately, these consumers don't know that their habit supports monkey labor. Though packaging information may offer the country of origin, it typically doesn't share how the coconuts were sourced.

Monkeys used to collect coconuts are taken from their mothers, who are typically shot. They are then sent to "schools" to learn to pick 1,000 coconuts a day. Monkeys may work from 8 AM to 5 PM, and are shackled and muzzled when not doing labor.

Conscious consumers don't want to support the abuse of these intelligent creatures. Coconut water is now found in most leading grocery stores, but Whole Foods is best known for catering to the health-conscious and ethical consumer. We respectfully urge you to investigate the sources of their coconut water and stop carrying all brands that support monkey labor. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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