Stop the Slaughter of Whales and Dolphins on the Faroe Islands

Around 800 long-finned pilot whales and some Atlantic white-sided dolphins are killed annually by people of the Faroe Islands, a holding of Denmark. Their dolphin and whale slaughter continues. The consumption of the flesh also continues.

It is time that we, citizens of this planet, stop this actions of cruelty once and for all! As many petitions have already been started and thousands of people have signed them and still the Faroe Islands ignores them, we need a more powerful petition than ever which will have the potential to make a change.

It is 21st century and for me and I am sure for millions of people around the globe it is unbelievable that the slaughter of whales and dolphins atually exists. And this is not happening in a poor, uneducated country but in the Faroe Islands which is within the Kingdom of Denmark. How is this practice showing any kind of humanity? Why do we need to show our power by killing other species? We do not need meat for our own survival anymore as it was hundreds of years ago. Killing these amazing creatures just so the people on the island have alternative meat source is not an excuse for this brutality. Moreover, even children take part in those rituals. Is this how our children should be raised? As murderers? All people defending such practices should be ashamed of themselves. They do not deserve to be called human beings. We will not give up until this tradition comes to an end!!!

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