This Woman Tortured and Neglected Dozens of Dogs So Horrendously, They Began Eating Each Other

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Fayetteville, Arkansas Authorities
The scene inside a Fayyetteville residence last month was enough to send responding officers heading right back out the door in horror. The woman living there had turned the home into a house of horrors by neglecting, torturing, and disposing of innocent dogs.

The following details are difficult to read.

Sign the petition demanding this woman receive a lifetime ban on animal ownership!

24 dogs were found alive in the home, nearly a dozen of them just newborn puppies. Multiple animals had already died due to the horrific conditions to which they were subjected. Their bodies were found distributed in coolers and buried in the yard. Shockingly, the other dogs in the home were so malnourished and desperate, they had begun to eat one of the dead dogs' bodies… along with eating a newborn puppy.

These poor dogs were so desperate they had begun to cannibalize each other.

They were deprived of food, and apparently the home hadn't had water running to it from the city in over a month. The floors were coated in a thick layer of feces and the entire house reeked of urine. These dozens of dogs were slowly dying, trapped in a nightmare of this woman's making.

But she didn't stop at neglect. She was also outright torturing them. Reports state that the woman was beating dogs' in the head with brass knuckles and kitchen pans and kicking them relentlessly until their bones broke. Imagine how exhausted, terrified, and in pain these dogs must have been.

We are so glad that the living pups have been rescued and are getting the care they need and deserve. But we cannot rest until the authorities make sure this woman cannot get her hands on another defenseless animal ever again -- a complete ban on animal ownership for the rest of her life.

Sign the petition in honor of these poor dogs, and demand justice be served in the form of an animal ownership ban for this woman!
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