Boycott Craigslist until they remove the "PETS" category from their site!

This is a petition to boycott craigslist until they will remove the "Pets" section from their site.

Two months ago a young bitbull was found, abused and tourtured , in a Boston Park. She came to be known as Puppy Doe. Puppy Doe had suffered unspeakable abuse, and she had to be euthanized to end her suffering.

After her original owners came forward, they said her name had been Kiya.

Her abuser was captured a few days ago and it was determined that Kiya had been rehomed twice in her short lifetime, via Craigslist.

I hope that you will sign this petition to give Puppy Doe a voice, and to give a voice to all the poor animals who suffer in silence, like Puppy Doe did.

Let's send Criagslist a clear message that we will NO LONGER USE CRAIGSLIST, until they remove that one category! Think of all the pets who will be saved a life a terror.

I'm sure Craigslist wouldn't want to be known for anything as horrible as animals abuse!

Instead, they can be a champion in the fight to end animal abuse!

Craigslist, PLEASE remove the "PETS" category from your site!!

Take the pledge and sign this petition! Puppy Doe did not die in vain. She lives on in each of our hearts.

To Jim Buckmaster, CEO Craigslist: Please remove the "Pets" section from your site. It is only one category and if removed, will make a huge difference in saving the life of thousands of pets.

Please help to champion this cause, and not be the ones who keep it from moving forward!

Join with us in this fight to end animal abuse, and show us that Craigslist truly does care about the world we live in!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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