End the senseless murder of hundreds of Canadian geese

The town of Clarksville Indiana has gotten a legal permit from Indiana DNR to murder hundreds of Canadian Geese due to erosion? The town hall is surrounded by two large water basins that have fountains and people stop and feed the Geese and ducks. The Geese nest and raise their young there and have for years. If they don't find another solution to their water basins, the Town of Clarksville will continue the senseless murder of hundreds of innocent Geese by means of carbon dioxide poisoning or cervical dislocation. This was reported by local media outlets. Please sign the petition so we can let our congress know we will not support this! Canadian Geese are protected in Indiana and the Town of Clarksville should not be able to kill geese because they refuse to address the water basins! This is a perfect nesting site for Geese! Let's let Congressman Trey Hollingsworth know us Hoosiers will not stand for this!!
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