Stop hunting in Malta

  • van: haryy Saliba
  • ontvanger: The Prime Miniter Of Malta Dr Joseph Muscat

Malta is plagued by so called hunters , nothing is safe in the air Just today in The Malta Times  dated the5th November 2013  6 'hunters'  were arrested for a find of 638 proctected birds plus one otter in their freezers, this find included 4 eagles . Since the opening of the hunting season  , correction the slaughter season this year vast nunbers of birds and animals have been shot or blasted out of the sky this includs large numbers of proctected birds ranging from black towed eagles , swans , flaningoes and some very rare species in short anything that flies or shows sigs of life . We in Malta are fighting the good cause to ban hunting , trapping in any form of  birds or animals . This sad situation has been followed and overseen by overseas organisations some of which have even used a radio controlled drone which by the way was also SHOT DOWN !. We  want a total ban of hunting and trapping and need as many animal lovers to help put pressure on the authorities in order to achieve this aim

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