Stop the sale of injuring Raccoon traps on EBAY and AMAZON

These "Animal Traps Dog Proof Raccoon / Coon Trap GRIZ Enclosed Design Staking System" are being sold by numerous vendors on both EBAY and AMAZON. They BREAK THE RACCOON'S ARM when they reach inside for the bait and traps the injured arm within the trap where they suffer until they are killed of die of dehydration and starvation. This in incredibly inhumane and both EBAY and AMAZON MUST stop selling them!

Update #16 jaar geleden
The above mentioned trap are not all sold on these sites: This...#11 LONG SPRING TRAP MINK RACCOON MUSKRAT TRAPPING 0320 SURVIVAL even worse, traping and breaking the legs of ANY animal coming its way.
ALL of these traps MUST NOT BE SOLD on these sites.
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