Save the Critically Endangered Amur Leopard

  • van: Andrea Turner
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin; Premier Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Wen Jiabao

Poached for its beautiful, spotted fur, the Amur Leopard is possibly the rarest and most endangered big cat in the world. Found along the border areas between the Russian Far East and northeast China, this species also faces habitat destruction and a loss of prey animals — i.e., food — due to poaching. Today, around 30 individual Amur leopards remain in the wild.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation  Vladimir Putin

Premier Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Wen Jiabao

We are desperately asking that more conservation efforts are made to save the Amur Leopards from extinction. 

We wish to register our concern for the Amur Leopard, of which only 20-40 remain in the wild and only 10 purebred animals remain in captivity. Sharing the same habitat of the Siberian Tiger, this sub-species of leopard is by far the largest. It is known for its beautiful spots and long fur reminiscent of a snow leopard. 

We beseech you to ensure that the utmost be done to prevent the extinction of the Amur Leopards. We call for: 
1. Increased crackdown on illegal poaching.
2. Increased protection and guarding of reserves including a reduction in illegal fires, logging and hunting of the Leopards' prey species. 
3. A review of the Tymangan basin cultivation program, to minimise effects on the Leopards, and creation of more reserves, including the joining together of existing reserves.

There is no time to waste. Please take action immediately to help save this great animal! 

Thank you for taking the time to hear our concerns.

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