Demand that the EPA use the most qualified product to address hazardous environmental cleanup!

Yet another oil spill has occurred due to offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico as of May 2016. A Shell oil facility has leaked an estimated 80-90,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf. The spill left a two-mile by thirteen-mile sheen on the ocean, about 165 miles from New Orleans.

In 2010, a BP oil rig exploded in the Gulf, releasing 4.2 million barrels of oil into the ocean creating the largest offshore oil spill in history.

From that BP disaster and all the studies done on the effects of oil in the deep environment and the surface of the Gulf in the springtime, there are a lot of impacts to sea life: the corals in the deep, dolphins, whales, tuna, whale sharks. A Natural Resource Damage Assessment must be done with every spill so that swift and appropriate action can be taken to cleanup these spills.

Oil spills happen frequently and with the federal government's five-year plan to do more drilling, exploration and lease off more land, more spills will occur. We must demand the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) take appropriate action by using the most qualified product to cleanup these spills, utilizing the most effective and safe method available.

Hazard Control Technologies, INC. has a BioDegradable Hydrocarbon Encapsulator that is designed to encapsulate hydrocarbons in a highly caloric chemical cocoon that is safe for microbials to digest. They have been trying for over a decade to get this technology recognized and USED for oil spills like this but, like most things with our Government, they have been pushed aside for big money lobbyists.

Testing has been done and reports provided proving that Encapsulation Technology is far superior to anything that is out there. This product has been approved and registered with the EPA for surface surfactants. However, it has NEVER been used for a cleanup! When a spill like this happens the EPA chooses products off of this list to use for these cleanups. Instead, the EPA seems to always go with the product that's produced by a billion dollar company, even if it's effectiveness is lacking against other, better products. This must stop! Our oceans and ecosystems depend on it.
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petitie tekenen


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