Demand An End To Bullfighting Now

People should sign this petition because this barbarity has no place in the 21st Century. Bulls are tortured 2 days prior to entering the ring: They are fed laxatives, half blinded by vaseline rubbed in their eyes, they are fed salt, bones are broken and needles are stuck into their genitals. They are kept in a dark box 2 days prior to the 'fight'. When bulls run into the ring they think they have been released from their torture - instead they run into a ring faced with a jeering crowd baying for their blood. They are first tortured by picadors, which are men on horseback. These men have long spears with which they cut into the neck muscles of the bull, to weaken him. Then the picadors arrive and stick bandarillas into the bulls neck. The matador comes in at the end to kill the bull by stabbing him in the neck. The bull always vomits blood. The bull often does not die immediately; the matador must stab him a number of times. The body of the bull is then dragged around the ring by horses while the crowd throw bottles and cans at him. The bull is not the only animal to suffer in the ring - horses have their vocal chords cut so they are unable to scream when they are gored by the bull. Their entrails fall out after being gored and are crudely stitched back. There is no justification for this evil - to say it is 'part of Spanish culture' is akin to saying bear-baiting, witch burning and public executions were 'part of the culture' or female circumcision is 'part of the culture'. Also, bullfighting is subsidised by the EEC. Other EEC countries should not financially support barbarity. Animals should not be cruelly tortured and hacked to death - this is not entertainment.

Stop bullfighting

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