Demand SeaWorld Retires its Orcas to Seaside Sanctuaries!

  • van: Ava F
  • ontvanger: Joel Manby, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Right now, orcas at SeaWorld are being abused and deprived of all things natural to them. They are kept in tiny, chlorinated tanks and are forced to perform difficult - and often painful - tricks.

In the wild, orcas swim hundreds of miles each day; but in SeaWorld, they can do nothing but float in the water. At SeaWorld, orcas can become severely ill, due to the emotional stress of captivity. Almost 40 orcas have died on SeaWorld's watch, and not one orca has reached old age.

Takara, a 25-year-old orca currently being held captive in SeaWorld San Antonio, has been seperated from her mother and two of her children, artificially insemated several times, and denied the chance to meet her grandchildren. She has recently given birth to the last orca to be born at SeaWorld. Please spare this innocent newborn a lifetime of suffering by signing this petition. 

Demand that SeaWorld retires these intelligent, social and beautiful creatures to seaside sanctuaries, and give them one last chance at a happy life.

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