Utah Has Banned Cities From Cutting Down on Plastic Bags!
Not only did SLC strike down a measure to charge for plastic bags, they decided to ban the whole state from doing things like to cut down on plastic waste. Charging for plastic bags or banning them altogether is an amazing things cities can do to ease their environmental impact, we can't let Utah block that effort statewide.
Sign the petition to tell Utah to let each city to decide their own plastic bag laws.
For a conservative state, legislating towns like that at a state level is pretty ironic. But not only that, it's also just downright wrong. Plastic bag laws are an incredibly effective way to ween a society off this environment-ruining substance.
I am from Utah and now live in Chicago where there is a charge for plastic bags and I can tell you that being charged for bags does decrease use. I can also tell you that a lot of people in Utah would like to have the option to cut down on plastic use.
Please sign my petition to tell Utah to end this harmful law. Our environment depends on us asserting as much influence at every level as possible.
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