Yosemite: Don't Spend $51 Million on Trademarks!

  • van: Julie M.
  • ontvanger: U.S. National Park Service

Delaware North, the hospitality company that runs Yosemite National Park, has told the National Park Service it owns the names of some of Yosemite's most famous spots, like the Ahwahnee Hotel and Curry Village. Delaware North is demanding $51 million in intellectual property rights in order for Yosemite to continue using those names.

Please sign the petition to tell Yosemite not to cave to the demands of Delaware North -- don't spend $51 million on trademarks!

Yosemite is funded with American taxpayer dollars. To be clear, the hotels and lodges are public property, and this company wants the right to own the names of the facilities. Names are just names -- that $51 million would be better spent on maintaining the wildlife of the park and keeping up other park services.

National Park Service spokesman Scott Gediman told NBC that more than 150 years ago, the park's founders never thought to trademark the names of the historic hotels and lodges. "These names pre-date the contract with Delaware North. These names belong to the American people," he said.

Please sign the petition to tell Yosemite not to cave to the demands of Delaware North -- don't spend $51 million on trademarks!

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