Punish Animal Abuser Who Shot A Dog, And Beat A Puppy!

How heartless can someone be?

Add your name if you want to make sure he pays the price!

"An El Paso man was arrested Thursday afternoon for allegedly shooting his Pit Bull and brutally beating his puppy. ...

"The puppy is 7 months old, and the other Pit Bull is believed to be an adult dog," reported NBC.

Why all the cruelty?

Just because the little puppy urinated on his couch.

What kind of human being would try to kill a puppy over something so small?

People like this have to be treated as harshly as the animals they abuse!

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would punish convicted animal abusers severely.

Don't you want to help protect animals from the likes of this man who shot his dog, and beat a puppy?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish animal abusers FOR REAL!

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