Investigate and punish Ted Cruz for campaign finance violations

Recent investigations show that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has been involved in some shady business dealings regarding his podcast and how he receives compensation. MSNBC host Chris Hayes called Cruz's actions "​​a serious ethical and campaign finance scandal in the making."

It appears Cruz has been directing funds totaling over $630,000 to Truth and Courage PAC, a group dedicated to his reelection campaign, from iHeartMedia, the company that distributes his podcast.

There are rules about outside employment for members of Congress, so Cruz is attempting to skirt those rules with this arrangement – but it raises real ethical concerns, and could be a campaign finance violation, since there is a $5,000 limit on how much an officeholder is permitted to solicit for a super PAC.

This is unacceptable. Ted Cruz needs to be investigated for campaign finance violations, and if he's found guilty, he must be held accountable and punished. Add your name: Investigate Ted Cruz for campaign finance violations >>

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