Whole Foods, Don't Use Abused Factory Farm Pigs!

The putrid smell of ammonia. A pile of dead piglets surrounded by blood. Cramped pens, filled with living, dead, healthy, and sick pigs.

That was the scene found during a recent investigation into one of the many world-famous ham farms in Italy's Parma and San Daniele regions. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first investigation to expose the cruelty behind prosciutto imported from Italy. The abuse at these factory farms has been well-documented.

That's why we're calling on Whole Foods to investigate any farms it sources its imported prosciutto from and discontinue use of any farm where pigs are treated inhumanely.

Whole Foods does ensure that its Italian prosciutto comes from pigs raised without antibiotics and claims the farm it sources from maintains strict quality standards. However, they don't address how the pigs are kept and treated. As more horror stories of poor, innocent pigs living in squalid conditions come out of Italy, it's clear the standards at all of these farms is disturbingly low.

The myth of happy pigs roaming bucolic Italian fields is over. The reality is that pigs are neglected and abused to ensure the mass production and exportation of prosciutto, all to maximize profits.

Stand against factory farm abuse by demanding accountability and transparency.

Sign this petition asking Whole Foods to investigate and publicize the conditions of its Italian prosciutto producer and discontinue use if it finds inhumane conditions.
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