Ask the President to employ Executive Order to protect Mustangs& burros

Please repeal the Burns amendment .Also BLM has been letting horses die without shelter & proper care.Their population count is way off & they are renting Mustang protected land to cattlemen , then stating too many horses to sustaine ! Well their numbers are falling rapidly .They are dying in front of films seen Worl wide ! All the greats ghandi ,socraties , mendela ,Einsein , Mother Tehresa , MLK &The Dali Lama all have stated when harm to people or animals are being harmed , we should not look the other way , just wrong.Please reinforce no slaughter ban of horses & improve HUMANE TREATMENT OF CAPTIVE HORSES-,Burros  URGENT PLEASE DO NOT DELAY .Thank You  please share

Update #211 jaar geleden
Well so much has has happened since the start of this .There is a problem when sharing. I pasted body of petition on my wall.Maybe you may have a friend you could share with ? This dose address REPEAL BURNS AMENDMENT .
Update #111 jaar geleden
Well it has been a long run .So many petitions , I am getting ready to send in next week .Thank you all from all over the World , am so pleased for that .
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