A Federal Judge Just Shut Down Tennessee's Hateful Attacks on Drag Shows

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Kentucky state lawmakers
A federal judge just rejected Tennessee's ban on drag shows, officially declaring it unconstitutional. Let's be real: these regressive, transphobic laws never had any real legal standing, which is why queer rights advocates have long argued that they'd be struck down.

Since we now have evidence that courts are prepared to strike down these hateful laws, there is absolutely no reason why any state should be continuing to pass these laws. Clearly, all they do is advance a right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ agenda. Yet the neighboring state of Kentucky is still trying to push forward with more hateful legislation, and has passed its own anti-drag bill.

We must stand up against these homophobic, transphobic laws and protect drag! Sign now to tell the Kentucky legislature to reverse its drag show bans!

Drag queens and drag shows play an important role in protecting the First Amendment freedom of expression. Drag is all about creativity, self-acceptance, respect, celebrating inclusivity and diversity, and fighting discrimination. These are important aspects of the freedom of speech, and are generally wonderful values to uplift in a society! Yet extremist Republicans are pretending that restricting self-expression and drag performances is somehow about sheltering children.

If right-wingers are so obsessed with the health and safety of children, they would focus on issues that actually affect kids' well-being, like gun violence or climate change. But we all know that these bills have nothing to do with children whatsoever, and are exclusively used to push a hateful and regressive social agenda.

The courts have made it clear: Tennessee's anti-drag bill is unconstitutional, and it is likely other U.S. courts will find many similar laws unconstitutional in the coming months and years, too. It is time the state of Kentucky reverse its anti-drag bill! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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