End Captivity

Imagine being taken from your home, your family. Imagine watching your parents die. Imagine being taken to a foreign place and forced to perform. If someone did that to a human being, the world would be outraged. So why do we think it's okay to do this to animals? To exploit them and use them for entertainment or food. 

I am proposing a law that permanently bans captivity and the use of animals for entertainment. A large animal like a whale or dolphin belongs in the ocean. Not in a concrete box. That's like a life sentence in prison. These animals are very social creatures that belong with their family. Their REAL family;not the one that was created for them at capture.

I want my child to one day see a dolphin or whale or even a lion, but I want them to see it in the wild. Where they belong. Please join me by signing this petition so that we can protect the animals that are a gift to this world. Thank you for you support.

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