Find and prosecute this man who viciously attacked and injured an innocent dog.

  • van: Allen Kingsley
  • ontvanger: Director General of Police of Maharashtra Mr Sajiv Dayal.

A video recently surfaced on social media of a young man grabbing the back legs of a dog and then viciously kicking this dog in the underbelly. You can hear the awful cries of pain as the dog is repeatedly kicked. At times, the man grabs a leg to hold the dog and then horrifically punches the dog in the body as hard as he can. People are filming this while others stand around and laugh. Each time a blow or kick landed on the defenseless dog it screams in pain. This abuse goes on for close to a minute with no one intervening. Someone knows who this monster is. He is not only guilty of the most horrible dog abuse but he is obviously unstable and a threat to others. If this poor dog lived, it needs medial attention. This abuser on the other hand needs to be apprehended and prosecuted. Between social media and the millions of animal lovers around the world, the video and this situation will not go away. Please use your authority as Director General of Police to help apprehend and prosecute this dangerous, cruel and unstable person.

Dear Mr Sajiv Dayal,

Please use your authority as Director General of Police to apprehend this abusive and intolerable man. We have collected almost 5,000 signatures from all over the world showing how horrified we are of his actions against this defenseless dog. My contact information is as follows:  

Allen Kingsley

2510 E. Sunset Rd #5-199

Las Vegas, Nevada 89120

702 809 3426

Please feel free to resond to me in any way that you see fit as we all await your response to this important position.

Very Sincerely,

Allen Kingsley

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