Hold This Slaughterhouse Accountable For Their Consistent Animal Cruelty

  • van: Jamil A
  • ontvanger: US Department of Agriculture
Authorities have seen the shocking images, the horrifying photos are all over the internet. Now, activists are wondering what they are going to do about it.

Recently, undercover images emerged of the Grand Island slaughterhouse owned JBS S.A., the world's largest meat producer. The appalling pictures showed, among other things, animals being improperly stunned before slaughter. The workers' negligence left one cow in a completely conscious state as it was hung upside down on hooks before operators sliced her throat.

This is not the first time this "mammoth of murder" has been caught not following proper procedures and, thus, causing their cattle undue suffering before being killed. The facility has had to suspend operations at least four times since mid-2016.

How often do these violations have to occur before the Department of Agriculture takes real steps to protect the animals of Grand Island from unnecessary suffering?

Let's not wait for more photos to come to light or another animal to be cruelly killed. Tell the Department of Agriculture to shut this facility down until a full review of procedures has taken place, and until JBS has committed to reform their operations to end the undue suffering. Please sign the petition.
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