Urge Biden to Protect Gray Wolves and Repeal the Trump-Era Rule

In a concerning turn of events, the Biden administration has taken steps to reinstate a Trump-era rule that stripped gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections. This decision, if successful, would allow states to manage wolf populations, potentially leading to resumed hunting in regions like the Great Lakes, where it was previously banned. This decision contradicts Biden's earlier commitments to wildlife conservation and we must urge him to reconsider.

Sign this petition to demand that President Biden uphold his environmental promises by reinstating federal protections for gray wolves.

Gray wolves are more than just part of our natural heritage; they are keystone species whose presence is critical for maintaining the health of ecosystems. The reintroduction of wolves to places like Yellowstone National Park has led to a cascade of positive ecological changes, from helping to manage deer and elk populations to enhancing riverbank stabilization.

Despite their proven ecological value, gray wolves face ongoing threats from hunting and habitat loss. Historical eradication efforts had already brought their populations to the brink of extinction once, and removing their protected status now risks undoing decades of recovery and conservation efforts.

Gray wolves do not just belong to the wild – they play an indispensable role in it. 

Sign this petition to remind President Biden of his duty to protect America's wildlife and support the full reinstatement of protections for gray wolves under the Endangered Species Act!

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