Make Tripp Township Zone-Free

Let's re-gain our personal freedoms the Constitution granted us! The Bayfield County Zoning Department has stripped us of our freedom to own and upgrade our own property. They are no longer acting in the communities best interest, but fulfilling their own personal agendas. They have made ammendments to their ordinances to entrap ALL that own property in the county. They have went WAY ABOVE & BEYOND the mandates that the state has created as guidelines for them to follow. Their personal agenda is to have everyone, in clay, to put in a holding tank by 2016, which requires a driveway within 25 feet of the tank put in within 48 hours. Any improvement you do on a residence, will result in this ordinance coming to life, whether needed or not! Septic tanks will be a thing of the past, not because they don't work, but because THEY said so. Furthermore, all the waste that is pumped from the tanks, is hauled to Ashland where it goes in the city plant to be treated and then into Lake Superior. They already have issues with run-off during rainy season and the pharmaceuticals that remain in the water after treatment. What is so terrible about letting the ground filter the waste? The Earth has done this for millions of years!! We need to take back our power from the County and give it back to the Town, where it will be handled fairly and justly. Please help us create a Zone-Free Town that can exist peacefully, like a small country farm community should!
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