Demand protection now for animals in labs and with breeders!
Animals are suffering as Trump administration slashes inspections and enforcement at breeders and labs. In 2019 we want an end to animal cruelty, not a government and a US Department of Agriculture that washes its hands of responsibility - or supports those being violent or uncaring. The Trump administration is abandoning animal protection throughout the government, and at the US Department of Agriculture, also removing reports of animal cruelty from freely accessible websites.
In the Daily Koa I was horrified to read The Washington Post report ‘that in one 2017 case, hundreds of raccoons were trapped in cages in temperatures over 100 degrees, causing “severe heat distress” for dozens. Inspectors confiscated 10 of the animals, only to be ordered to return them after industry groups went to a Trump adviser and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue personally stepped in.’ He returned the raccoons to the person who made them suffer! The government cannot be trusted: it is not on the side of the vulnerable. We must stop protections being removed now.
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