Stolen dogs more support from the judicial system with harsh sentences and fines

    More and more family pets are being stolen and also people are being mugged for their pets. We need to treat this as a crime and not compare it to a phone or a tv being stolen. You give your lives to your pet they are part of your family and in some cases it is your only companion. We need to step up and treat it as the crime it is, have more support from the police and harsher crimes when people do this. We also need to create a national data base for microchips and data so if animals are recovered they can be re united with their owners. At present their are different microchip companies which you need to check to find the information.
    We also need to only let authority bodies microchip like vets and local authorities so that chips cannot be removed and replaced with new ones.
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen
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