Teton County, Wyoming, Residents:
Please sign this petition to stop the Tribal Trails South Park Loop Connector Road for the following reasons:
1). Child Safety - Teton County has not analyzed the impact of 9,000 additional cars flooding 4 of 6 local schools providing and education to 1,768 students.
2). Athlete Safety - Teton County has not analyzed the impact of 9,000 additional cars entering the areas of Middle and High School roads where hundreds of athletes (many of whom are children playing sports) are playing.
3). Environmental Impact - Constructing Tribal Trails Connector will require the road to transit an environmental wetland and primary elk, moose, and bald eagle migratory corridor.
Picture Source: The 2010 Teton County commssioned study performed by Feldsburg, Holt, and Ullevig, a Colorado based consulting company.
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