Petition for a UN Resolution to Ban GMO Foods Worldwide

**Summary: Petition for a UN Resolution to Ban GMO Foods**

This petition, supported by 193 million people across UN Member States, urges António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, to initiate a resolution banning genetically modified organisms (GMO) worldwide. GMO foods pose serious threats to public health, including increased pesticide use, heightened cancer risks, organ damage, and reproductive harm. Studies reveal GMO crops contribute to environmental degradation, stunted growth, and mass sterilization risks. Claims of nutritional benefits, such as enhanced beta-carotene in golden rice, are misleading, while GMO crops threaten food sovereignty and the livelihoods of natural seed growers.

We call on the United Nations to act urgently to protect global health, ensure sustainable agriculture, and preserve the environment by banning GMO foods. Together, we can foster a healthier, safer, and GMO-free world for current and future generations.

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