Three Young Emus Deliberately Hit, Were Left To Die On An Unsealed Road In The Australian Outback!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: The Victorian Government of Australia

Wildlife carers attended the scene of three dead and dying emus on an unsealed road in Eastern Victoria, Australia and feared the birds were deliberately hit!

Act Now! Urge the Victorian government to find the person or persons responsible for this brutal attack and charge them with three counts of killing protected wildlife under the Victorian Wildlife Act 1975!

The carers at Our Haven Wildlife Shelter found two young emus dead and a third with such severe injuries, it had to be euthenised on the site near Golden Beach. The emus were positioned on three different spots on the road and showed that there was little chance that this could have been an accident and an intent to kill was obvious. 

Whoever hit these beautiful native birds never bothered to stop, check or call anyone and was most likely driving a large 4-wheel drive with a bullbar, inflicting the most heinous of injuries on these unsuspecting animals. These bird were local animals and the carers who worked in the area had watched them grow up, only to have their lives violently snatched away. 

Sign Now and Urge The Victorian Government to review The Victorian Wildlife Act 1975 and make changes surrounding penalties for deliberately killing Australian wildlife!

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