Pass Circus Cruelty Prevention Laws in Washington!

We, the undersigned, urge the Washington State Legislature to pass legislation banning the use of elephants, bears, lions, tigers, and nonhuman primates in circuses and traveling shows. In the U.S., there are currently eight states and over 150 localities in 37 states that have passed various restrictions or bans involving the use of wild animals in circuses. Massachussettes and Maryland just passed similar bans this year, and Washington should follow.

Circuses that exploit wild animals subject them to inhumane conditions and pose significant risks to public safety. The average circus travels for 11 months of the year, and during this time, the animals are all confined to tiny cages, only just big enough to stand and turn around in, where they are forced to defecate in the same space they sleep. Statistics show that the average time that the animals are caged for is in excess of 26 hours.

It's imperative for Washington to join these efforts, particularly considering circuses like the Jordan World Circus continue to tour the state. It's essential the animals are retired to sanctuaries, ideally financially supported by their donors.

We are proud to work with Representative Leavitt and Senator Liias on these bills.

Update #1Een dag geleden
Hello Circus Cruelty Preventers!
Our bill, ESB 5065 has passed the Senate and been assigned to committee in the House. If you live in Washington, please take a moment to sign this action - Thank you!
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