If the World Doesn't Act Fast, a 'Superbug' Could Be Inevitable

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: All United Nations Member States

A new study warns that if we don't act soon, a superbug could kill as many as 10 million people per year as soon as 2050. Yes, you read that right: antimicrobial resistance could be as deadly as cancer in just a few decades. 

Sign now to tell all UN member states to act quickly to reduce the likelihood of a superbug caused by full antimicrobial resistance!

'Superbug' is the shorthand way of describing strains of bacteria, viruses, or fungi that become resistant to every known biotic. This would render most modern medicine – which saves millions of lives per year from infection and illness – irrelevant.

Pollution from a variety of industries, including livestock farming, pharmaceutical production, and healthcare, creates ideal conditions for resistant bacteria to develop. Fortunately, we have all the tools we need to reform these industries. Governments around the world simply need to finally step up to regulate the practices that are so dangerous to public health! 

To make matters worse, experts worry that the majority of the consequences will be suffered by poor countries in the global south. 

It will take a united, aggressive effort by all UN members to prevent these worst case scenarios from coming true. Sign the petition now to tell all members of the United Nations to unite to address antimicrobial resistance before it is too late!
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