Help NH Wildlife Park & Wildlife Rescue save New Hampshire's Bobcats

  • van: Bruce Marion
  • ontvanger: New Hampshire Wildlife Commission

The State of New Hampshire only has 1400 Bobcats in the wild and we need them off the hunting and trapping list. Bobcats are Solitary and Secretive to people and shy. So with your support we can protect them in the State.

Update #19 jaar geleden
The State of New Hampshire has came to say that the Bobcats are now on the Hunting list for 2015 2016 Hunting with them Banned the hunt on Bobcats back in 1989 till now they think that they are well populated. Well they are wrong there are only 1400 left in the wild. and this petition needs to send a message to take the State of New Hampshire's Bobcats need to be back on the no hunting list. If we allow this to happen New Hampshire will have no Wild cats left in the Wild.
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