Tell the Salt Lake area to help Save Bonanza Flats

  • van: Peter Scott
  • ontvanger: Salt Lake County Council, Steve DeBry, Chair; Wasatch County Council, Greg McPhie, Chair, Mike Davis, County Manager; Summit County Council, Chris Robinson, Chair, Tom Fisher, County Manager, Utah

Bonanza Flats, the 1,350 acres that comprise the Guardsman's Pass view shed, needs $13 million more dollars to keep it open and free from development. This is a huge opportunity to protect a critical area from sprawl and development.

Park City voters will be paying $25 million dollars toward the purchase price, but they are not the only folks who love this rare open space.

Wasatch, Summit and Salt Lake County residents love and use this area too. Tell your county elected officials that this is important to you as a Salt Lake area resident. We don't need this pristine area turned into more golf courses and private subdivisions. 

Salt Lake County Council just voted to deny funds for the Bonanza Flats aquisition, so it's critical that local leaders hear from us now. Please sign and share this petition!

For more details click over to for more information.

Bonanza Flat, the 1,350 acres that comprise the Guardsman's Pass view shed, needs $13 million more dollars to keep it open and free from development. Park City voters will be paying $25 million dollars toward the purchase price, but they are not the only one's who love this rare open space. Wasatch, Summit and Salt Lake County residents recreate here. Tell your Salt Lake county elected officials that this is important to you as a Salt Lake County resident. We don't want it to be golf courses and private subdivisions; and we don't want to pay day fee's to Park City if they are able to buy it without our help. For more details click over to for more information.

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