Petition UNESCO Support in Creating a Global Sanctuary for the Horseshoe Crab

Scientific Data demonstrates that the 4 Horseshoe Crab Species, Family Xiphuridae, have experienced a severe decline in numbers world-wide due to combined impacts of human predation, environmental degradation, and habitat loss. These Creatures are beneficial to human-kind, use of thier unique blood to safeguard both the human replacement-blood supply, and pharmaceutical products essential to combating disease. Their eggs are a significant food supply for millions of migrating shore birds. They are a prehistoric creature. We the undersigned petition #UNESCO to support the creation of a global sanctuary for these unique and venerable creatures by establishing the first designation of "World Heritage Species" for this invertebrate.

Update #17 jaar geleden
Thank you all for signing this very important petition for a Horseshoe Crab sanctuary. We have 771 signatures so far, but we need more. Please do what you can to share the petition.

Dr. John T. Tanacredi.
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