Ban Dangerous GM Corn in the European Union!

  • van: Chris Wolverton
  • ontvanger: John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

A study published in the Journal of Food and Toxicology on September 20th, 2012, revealed that rats developed mutations, tumors, kidney and liver problems at an alarming rate when fed with GM corn resistant to Monsanto Roundup Weedkiller and containing approved levels of Roundup. This corn has been approved for consumption about 10 years ago without evidence that it was safe to eat.

In light of this new research, European Parliament members Kartika Liotard and Nikos Chountis are asking Commissioner John Dalli to reexamine GMO policy. Their goals are to withdraw rules that prevent states from banning GMO cultivation on health and environmental grounds, ban imports into the EU of suspect Monsanto products and set new limits on the glyphosphate content on Roundup.

Please sign the petition to urge John Dalli to cooperate with Parliament members and take action to ban dangerous GM products in the EU.

To: John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

We, the undersigned, were shocked to learn about a study published in the Journal of Food and Toxicology on September 20th, 2012, that revealed serious health dangers associated with genetically modified (GM) foods. Rats developed mutations, tumors, kidney and liver problems at an alarming rate when fed with GM corn resistant to Monsanto Roundup Weedkiller and containing approved levels of Roundup. We are concerned that this corn has been approved for consumption about 10 years ago without evidence that it was safe to eat.

We understand that, in light of this research, European Parliament members Kartika Liotard and Nikos Chountis have asked you to reexamine GMO policy. Their goals are to withdraw rules that prevent states from banning GMO cultivation on health and environmental grounds, ban imports into the EU of suspect Monsanto products and set new limits on the glyphosphate content on Roundup.

We believe it is important to reach these goals to protect the health of EU citizens. We respectfully urge you to cooperate with Parliament members and place the recommended restrictions on dangerous GM products. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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