Expel British OIL company Soco International from Virunga World Heritage Site! VIDEO !

  • van: Veselin Varbanov
  • ontvanger: Rui de Sousa (Soco Chairman) , Ed Story (Soco CEO) , World Wide Fund , Joseph Kabila (DRC President) ,Augustin Matata Ponyo (DRC Prime Minister) , UNESCO

Virunga is Africa’s oldest national park, a World Heritage Site and a Ramsar wetland of international importance. Located on the equator, it contains the most diverse habitats of any park in Africa, from forests and savannahs, to swamps and volcanic peaks. The park is rich in natural biodiversity, a refuge for critically endangered mountain gorillas as well as endangered chimpanzees, hippos, and forest elephants. 

WWF urges British oil exploration company Soco International PLC to immediately stop all activities in the park  .

Let's make Soco Int. PLC to promise not to exploit such places !

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