Award the George Cross to hero who fought attacker of Jo Cox MP

During the vicious, hellish attack on MP Jo Cox, an elderly gentleman by the name of Bernard Kenny tried to defend her. During the struggle, the attacker stabbed Bernard in the stomach with a ten inch knife. After the 77-year-old fell to the ground, his thoughts were only for others, as he mouthed 'I'm OK' to his terrified wife across the road.

We believe that Bernard Kenny deserves the highest honour for bravery that this country can award. The Cabinet Office must make it so as quickly as possible, so that our nation's thoughts are on love and bravery rather than hate and fear.

Dear Mr Hancock MP,

We the undersigned wish that Bernard Kenny's act of supreme bravery should be recognised by the highest honour the UK Government can bestow. At this time when the country is dominated by fear and hate, we think that a man motivated only by selfless courage and love should be honoured in this way, and quickly. 

During the extreme violence unleashed on Jo Cox MP, Bernard Kenny stepped in, unarmed, to wrestle with the attacker. In the process he suffered a deep stab wound to his stomach and fell to the ground. Even in this state he mouthed 'I'm ok' to his terrified wife across the road. 

Please would you act straight away to award Bernard Kenny the George Cross for his incredible bravery in trying to save the life of Jo Cox MP, and show our country that love wins over hate.

Update #18 jaar geleden

Great news for our campaign: Bernard Kenny has been discharged from hospital!

Today (Weds) would have been Jo Cox's birthday, but it is also Bernard's! We hope that the Cabinet will symbolically announce their decision today. If that doesn't happen, we have a plan to take this campaign to the next level, so keep an eye out.

If you're in the UK, whichever side you're on, please make sure you vote in the referendum!

Thanks and much appreciation for joining this campaign.
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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