They do not want to shoot the Polderwolf, but they do want to sedate him, take his DNA and move him, because he is dangerously close to a built up area. Good idea? (The Telegraaf, a Dutch Newspaper.
I believe they are afraid, and also curious, so they will shoot him and then the newspapers will report it as a "mistake". It has been 150 years since the last wolf was shot in the Netherlands, so I give the animal one week! Dear Prime Minister, promise the wolf will not be harmed. Please sign this, all of you. A wolf is not dangerous for people, if they keep their distance!
To Mr. Rutte, Prime Minister, The Minister of the environment of the German Federal State of Lower Saxony.
The wolf has been sighted in our country for three days now, and already some people will want to shoot him. To take his DNA and find out where he is from and to move him supposedly.
I am afraid within one week the first wolf in our countryafter 150 years, the Polderwolf will be dead, some over zealous official will be to blame and the newspapers will report it as a "mistake".
It is within your power to stop the nonsense and to let 'nature conservation' people only observe the Dutch Polderwolf. I hope you will.
Thank you.
In English March 14, Germany will try now. The animal has to be caught and narcotisized with a tranquilizer gun. Then he will be sent to a park for wolves to be examined and analysed. Then he will be freed with a transmitter under his skin. the Ministery of the invironment of the German Federal State of Lower Saxony has announced this on friday.
Update #29 jaar geleden
More than 4,000 signatures for the Polder Wolf. Maybe the polder wolf will find a female in our country and a suitable habitat. Let us hope that on his next Walkabouts the Polderwolf will decide to stay. Thank you all for signing this petition and lets keep an eye on our nature and our animals.
Update #110 jaar geleden
Duitsland gaat het proberen.
Het dier moet met een verdovingsgeweer onder narcose worden gebracht.
Dan gaat het naar een wolvenpark voor onderzoek. Met een zendertje onder zijn huid wordt de wolf dan weer vrijgelaten. Dat heeft het ministerie van Milieu van de deelstaat Nedersaksen vrijdag laten weten.