Help Rural Jefferson County Get Reliable High Speed Internet

  • van: Barbara Moore-Lewis
  • ontvanger: John Austin, David Sullivan, Phil Johnson, Kevin Van De Wege, Steve Tharinger, James Hargrove, Jay Inslee, Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, Derik Kilmer

People in rural East Jefferson County need reliable high speed internet services for the business, educational, and personal activities.  Rural areas have a right to the same level of internet service as urban areas.

Current service from CenturyLink is not reliable or high speed.  If CenturyLink is unable to meet our needs, we need a different provider, who

    • delivers at least 5 Mbps download speed, 
    • delivers the same minimum speed 24/7, 
    • charges fees comparable to those in urban areas for the same service, 
    • delivers this service by the end of 2013 to every home in the area

Dear Elected Official
Economic development is a goal we all share.  We cannot develop East Jefferson County or attract residents who can support the area with taxes unless we have access to high speed internet for our businesses, schools, and personal use.

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