Protect Immigrant Workers - Pass the Immigrant Worker Protection Act!

  • van: Paige D
  • ontvanger: California Senate and State Assembly
"Donald Trump has declared war on 11 million Americans who are undocumented because of the failure of Trump and his Republican allies to enact comprehensive immigration reform."

- California Assembly Member David Chiu

In California alone,2.5 million undocumented workers work primarily in the agricultural and food service industries. And despite being undocumented, they contribute $180 million to the state's economy.

But Donald Trump is following through on his campaign trail promises. He's proposed to increase Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) By 10,000 employees, and ICE agents are conducting workplace raids to round up and deport undocumented immigrants.

In many cases, ICE agents are rounding up every single person on site, despite having warrants for individuals only. This is unconstitutional and downright cruel.

Assemblymember Chiu has introduced AB 450, the Immigrant Worker Protection Act, to protect immigrant workers from these unlawful ICE raids. The bill would require a judicial warrant before allowing access to the worksite, prevent confidential information being shared without a subpoena, and protect vulnerable employees from retaliating employers.

Together we can protect immigrant rights. Please sign your name and urge California's lawmakers to pass AB 450 and protect basic human rights for ALL!
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