Petition for a referendum on carbon fee-and-dividend for Canada

  • van: Keith McNeill
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, Bloc Quebecois leader Yves-Francois Blanchet, and Green Party leader Elizabeth May

My special interest in climate change began several years ago when the child of a family member cried himself to sleep after watching a television documentary on the subject. Will you sign my petition to help fight climate change in Canada?

Climate change is a difficult problem but does not appear impossible to solve. Climate scientist James Hansen has for several years proposed carbon fee-and-dividend as an essential part of the solution.

Carbon fee-and-dividend would start with a fee on fossil fuels similar to a carbon tax. The revenue would be distributed as equal and repeating dividends to every adult, similar to a universal basic income.

A Canada-wide carbon fee-and-dividend system set at $30 per tonne would generate nearly $17 billion per year, enough to give every adult in Canada a fossil fuel dividend about $500 per year.

In Canada, new local taxes are sometimes approved through a referendum. In Switzerland, citizens have the right to bring forward important questions to a nationwide referendum through a petition with 100,000 signatures; an equivalent number in Canada would be 400,000 signatures.

Please sign my petition to ask the leaders of the five parties represented in the Canadian Parliament to hold a nationwide referendum on the question of whether Canada should have a national carbon fee-and-dividend system, with the fossil fuel fee to be set at $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide and with the proceeds to be distributed in equal shares to all adults living in Canada.

Whereas:1. The burning of fossil fuels affects our climate and endangers millions of people and their livelihoods – not to mention our survival as a species;2. Climate scientist James Hansen has called for a carbon fee-and-dividend system in which a carbon fee would be collected on fossil fuels at source, with the revenue given through equal and recurring dividends to all adults;3. British Columbia has a carbon tax that presently stands at $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide;4. A carbon fee-and-dividend system set at the same level as British Columbia’s carbon tax of $30 per tonne would generate about $20 billion per year, enough to give every adult in Canada a fossil fuel dividend close to $1,000 per year;5. Here in Canada, new taxes are often first approved through referendum;6. In Switzerland the citizens have the right to bring forward important questions to a nationwide referendum through a petition with 100,000 signatures; and7. An equivalent number in Canada would be 400,000 signatures. Therefore, be it resolved that we, the undersigned citizens of Canada, hereby petition the leaders of the six parties represented in the Canadian Parliament to hold a nationwide referendum on the question of whether Canada should have a national carbon fee-and-dividend system, with the fossil fuel fee to be set at $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide and with the proceeds to be distributed in equal shares to all adults living in Canada.
Update #58 jaar geleden
Merry Christmas to all who added their names to my petition calling for carbon fee-and-dividend in Canada. I've been trying to send Green Stars to all 28,000+ of you. I encourage everyone to get involved with Citizens Climate Lobby in the new year. It's the only group actively working for carbon fee-and-dividend, which is our best hope for controlling climate change.
Update #49 jaar geleden
At noon on June 2 my friend Jean Nelson and I will hand over all the names as of that time from this petition to the director of Citizens Climate Lobby - Canada at the eternal flame in front of Parliament in Ottawa. Anyone who has signed and who can attend is welcome.

The campaign will continue until Dec. 31, 2015 and I still hope to meet the 400,000 goal.

Update #39 jaar geleden
Hello everyone who has put his/her name on my petition,


A friend and I plan to cycle from Toronto to Ottawa to promote the petition. There's a story at .

NOW is the time to get names. If you know of any friends or relatives who might be interested, please ask them.

Also, please encourage them to pass it on.

Keith McNeill
Update #29 jaar geleden
Double Wow! This petition has not yet been up for six full days and already it's reached 200 names. Thank you Citizens Climate Lobby-Canada for the support. (

Also, #187 Doug Pritchard of Ontario quite correctly pointed out that the Bloc Quebecois leader should be on the list of recipients, even though he's not a MP. I therefore added his name plus the leader of the new Forces et Democratie party.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Wow! A similar petition I posted in 2013 took seven months to collect 100 names. This one did it in 2 1/2 days. Most people have thought climate change is important for a long time. Now they want to do something about it. Please, let's keep the momentum up.
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