Say NO to Bauxmite mining in Morangup (Shire of Toodyay)

Bauxite Alumina Joint Ventures/Bauxite Resources Limited (BAJV/BRL) are proposing a 62 square kilometre bauxite mine. If this goes ahead the following activities will occur:

• Large scale land clearing
• Top soil stripped to reveal ore
• Ore loaded onto 190 tonne Haul trucks
• Trucked to crushing/screening plant (to be built).
• Ore loaded onto conveyor belt (which will have to cross Toodyay Road, under or over).
• Ore deposited and loaded at Rail Head at a rail siding (to be built). Shipped to port destination China.
• Millions of litres of wasted water

If this project goes ahead it will have an irreversible affect on the environment.
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