NatWest bank, reinstate RT's UK bank accounts!

RT (formerly Russia Today) plays an important role in diversifying the UK's media landscape and presenting different points of view to the mainstream.

NatWest's decision to close its bank accounts in the UK is a blatant attack on that diversity and aims, ultimately, to close down its distinctive and valuable voice, and restrict choice for UK viewers. This unprovoked act of censorship is aimed, not just at RT itself, but at all those who watch and appreciate its programmes.

RT is sometimes derided by critics (including the BBC) as 'propaganda' - but it is no more propaganda than the BBC. Which is to say, that both are purveyors of news, information and commentary that reflects a particular point of view. The difference is that where the BBC invariably reflects UK government / establishment opinions and values, RT tends to do the opposite. RT's account of many contentious issues is often more credible, accurate and evidence-based than those of mainstream media.

We the undersigned politely call on NatWest Bank, and its owner RBS Group, to reverse their seriously mistaken decision, and to reinstate RT's banking services immediately.

Dear Ross Maxwell McEwan.

Re: your decision to close RT UK's bank accounts.

RT plays an important role in diversifying the UK's media landscape and presenting different points of view to the mainstream.

NatWest's decision to close its bank accounts in the UK is a blatant attack on that diversity and aims, ultimately, to close down its distinctive and valuable voice, and restrict choice for UK viewers. This unprovoked act of censorship is aimed, not just at RT itself, but at all those who watch and appreciate its programmes.

RT is sometimes derided by critics (including the BBC) as 'propaganda' - but it is no more propaganda than the BBC. Which is to say, that both are purveyors of news, information and commentary that reflects a particular point of view. The difference is that where the BBC invariably reflects UK government / establishment opinions and values, RT tends to do the opposite. RT's account of many contentious issues is often more credible, accurate and evidence-based than those of mainstream media.

We the undersigned politely call on you to reverse your seriously mistaken decision.

Update #18 jaar geleden
My message to RBS today: "A strong theme emerging from comments is that people feel that a bank, and especially one owned by UK taxpayers, should not be acting as censor or arbiter of what we, the UK public can watch on our TVs. Numerous signatures are from NatWest / RBS account holders stating that they will close their accounts. I urge you to quickly rescind your unwise decision, reassure RT UK that their accounts will remain open, and declare that you will desist from further such actions."
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