Many Americans consider the USDA Wildlife Service a rogue organization due to its persecution of wolves, wild horses, panthers, bison and other wildlife. Instead of stewarding our native wildlife, the WS has been killing a shocking number of animals.
According to a recent report, more than 4 million animals have been shot, poisoned, snared or trapped by the WS in fiscal year 2013 alone. These 75,326 coyotes, 866 bobcats, 528 river otters, 3,700 foxes, 12,186 prairie dogs, 973 red-tailed hawks, 419 black bears and at least three eagles, golden and bald.
This doesn't have to happen. By investing a large amount of funds, another U.S. agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was able to bring back the California condor from the brink of extinction in four short years.
It is time that an independent committee be appointed to investigate who is running the USDA's Wildlife Service and look into who is pulling the strings, what projects are being red-lighted and which ones are being dropped and why. Even some members of Congress have said the Wildlife Service is secret and opaque for not providing more information about its extermination of so many wild animals.
i HAVE SIGNED HUNDREDS OF PETITIONS TO SAVE WOLVES AND OTHER SPECIES TO LITTLE AVAIL. Now I realize this is slow and often useless because IT IS THE WILDLIFE SERVICE THAT MUST BE REFORMED and so I urge you to sign this petition.