These Animal Researchers Didn't Bother Getting Permission Before Performing Their Medical Experiments

Researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center have apparently been skipping the approval process to use animals in their studies - experimenting on lab animals without permission or proper supervision.

Regulatory bodies require researchers to obtain prior approval in order to ensure that they are not negligent or overtly cruel in their experiments. However, in this particular laboratory, researchers didn't follow these rules.

Sign the petition to shut down these cruel experiments that violated research protocols!

In fact, an internal investigation and resulting noncompliance report revealed that researchers had conducted multiple surgeries on captive rats without approval - including a disturbing procedure called a "jugular vein cutdown."

Even worse, researchers did not provide these pats with any pain relievers or after-care. The report stated that the laboratory involved had the "highest rate of noncompliance on campus" when it came to the treatment of their rat population.

The head researcher in charge has since tried to justify these outlandish behaviors, saying he "didn't understand what the protocol was" to obtain approval. He even claimed that he "did not realize the rats needed pain relievers."

How did the university hire someone to conduct medical experiments on living animals, who didn't know that all research must be reviewed and approved first, and that the animals involved must be cared for?

This is unacceptable and mind-boggling. The only reason we know all of this is because of dedicated advocates with the non-profit Stop Animal Exploitation NOW! They are calling for an end to these abusive experiments, and we want to amplify that important demand.

The university must hold everyone involved accountable now! It must terminate these projects and ban the affiliated staff from working with animals again, since they clearly cannot be trusted to do so. Sign the petition!
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