Be the voice of those who don't have one. Please stop animal cruelty!

  • van: Animal Lover
  • ontvanger: The US government, State governments, USDA, superior court

People who abuse animals for any reason (dog fighting, amusement, control, fur etc.) are just mentally unstable. They are some of the worst human beings and they should be stopped. Anyone who abuses an animal weaker than himself, for any reason, is a psychopath and we need more laws to stop this from happening. We are a civilized society with education available and we should protect those who need protection not take advantage. Awful human being like that should not be alive. We need a well enforced law that puts them behind bars at the very least, a huge fine and for that person to be obligated to register in a database that tells everyone that they did, like a sex offender database. We should have an animal cruelty database. Please support this petition, we can make a difference for the poor little souls who can't defend themselves.

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