Say NO to Hunting in Dalton Gardens!

Elected officials, along with certain individuals and outside agencies are attempting to initiate a hunting program within our peaceful community of Dalton! They want to set up blinds in backyards and shoot the deer, including fawns, as they pass by.

We are certain that a hunting program within the city would disrupt the safety, peace, and enjoyment of our community. The people of Dalton and neighboring communities are out walking, running, and biking through our streets enjoying the Dalton charm, including neighborhood wildlife.

This action would destroy our shared sense of community and would severely divide us and turn neighbor against neighbor!

Please sign to stop this!

Update #33 jaar geleden
Thanks for all of your help! We have won this battle! Yay! :-)
Update #23 jaar geleden
Dalton City Council Deer Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, 04/28 at 5pm. (2 weeks from now) Please try to be there or Zoom in! Thanks!
Update #13 jaar geleden
Dalton Gardens Residents Only - if you are willing to post a "No Hunting in Dalton City Limits" sign on your lawn, please email me @ and we will provide you with one. Thanks!
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