General Law for pet regulation in serbia!

  • van: Nikica V
  • ontvanger: Ministry of agriculture, serbia.

Animal abuse and welfare in Serbia is in catastrophic condition. There is no general law for owning pets. There is no any kind of regulation for owners and becouse of this many owners are acting irresponsible and they doesn't show any kind of respect for lives of their pets.
Law of keeping pets should regulate:
*every single pet (dog, cat) should have chip for identification.
*Propagation can be done only by people who get the license for this activity.
*Regulation for welfare that describes minimal requirements for conditions where and how to keep an actual pet.
*Regulation that delineate the number of pets per house/family/territory.
*Every single pet holder should have pet holders id connected with actual pet.
*Amnestia period of 5 years for people to prepare for introduction of the law.  

Petition is under editing.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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