Stop the Pavilion project at Humber Bay Park East!

  • van: David Creelman
  • ontvanger: Councillor Mark Grimes, Toronto City Council, Mayor John Tory, Canada

The purpose of this petition is to state strongly to Councillor Mark Grimes and the City of Toronto that the recently announced Pavilion project for Humber Bay Park East is completely unacceptable. A 12,000 Sq Ft Pavilion for large gatherings(it can host parties, weddings, and business functions for hundreds of people) is not welcome in our park. Humber Bay Park East must be protected and preserved as it has been for years- a quiet nature park. Both citizens and wildlife need sanctuaries like this in the city! We were not consulted before this project was announced as a $7 million done deal. Find another location for your Pavilion!

If that's all you need- please proceed to sign!. Toronto residents only please- we want to make an impact on the local politicians and policy shapers by showing it's a Toronto resident issue. Then please share with your friends via social media or email please- public awareness and action is key.

Sponsored by Friends of Humber Bay Park

Take some other action if inspired! 1- Website for the plan. There is a deadline of March 1, unfair as that seems, for submissions to the process. Download the 'Discussion Guide From Meeting- Feedback Form' at this website:

2- Contact Councillor Mark Grimes with concerns, questions, and opinions- 416 338-3327

3- Contact Peter Klambauer, Senior Project Co-ordinator for the Pavilion- 416 395-6676

4- Contact Netami Stuart, Project Co-ordinator of the park Master Plan, Landscape Architect- 416 338-3327

5- Contact your own Councillor, other contacts in the media, groups that might be able to help. Share your concerns!

The purpose of this petition is to state strongly to Councillor Mark Grimes and the City of Toronto that the recently announced Pavilion project for Humber Bay Park East is completely unacceptable. A 12,000 Sq Ft Pavilion for large gatherings(it can host parties, weddings, and business functions for hundreds of people) is not welcome in our park. Humber Bay Park East must be protected and preserved as it has been for years- a quiet nature park. Both citizens and wildlife need sanctuaries like this in the city! We were not consulted before this project was announced as a $7 million done deal. Find another location for your Pavilion!

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